+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

Important information

Please note that the information provided on this website does not constitute a source of law. We assure you that we have made every effort to ensure that it complies with current legislation. However, please note that this website is for informational purposes only and the information provided on this website may not be used in disputes with governmental authorities. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact the authority conducting administrative proceedings in a particular case and familiarize yourself with the provisions of the legislation that may have a decisive influence on its resolution. You can also contact our infoline migrant.info: +48 22 490 20 44

Crossing the border - basic information

Crossing the state border is possible only in the place designated for this purpose, i.e. at the border crossing.

When crossing the border, it is worth remembering that when entering Poland, you also enter the territory of the European Union (EU) and the Schengen area.


A foreigner entering Poland should have:

  1. A passport or other valid travel document;
  2. A valid visa (more information on visas is available in the VISA tab) or another valid document entitling you to enter and stay on this territory (for example, a residence card - more information on it is available in the relevant tab), if required;

Note! For EU citizens as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, only a valid travel document or valid identity document is required.

Note! When entering the territory of Poland in visa-free regime (classified as a short-term stay), not only the validity of the passport is checked, but also whether the foreigner has not used the allowed limit, i.e. 90 days during 180 days of stay in the Schengen area. Please note that for a short-term stay:

  • days spent on the basis of: a Schengen visa, in visa-free regime, but also in the procedure of obtaining a residence permit (the so-called stamps) and earlier stay inconsistent with the regulations, i.e. without the required documents, are included;
  • days spent on the basis of a residence permit (residence card) and a Polish national visa are not included.

Note! Citizens of some countries (e.g. the USA, Japan, Israel, Mexico, South Korea) may enter Poland again under the visa-free regime without the need for remembering about the 180-day limit, pursuant to bilateral agreements regulating visa-free regime, concluded by Poland with the countries before Poland's accession to the EU. To obtain information on the rules of using the possibility of visa-free entry to Poland by citizens of specific countries, please contact the Border Guard.

  1. In the case of transit through Poland to another country - permission to enter another country or residence permit in another country.


A foreigner crossing Polish border should also be able to justify the purpose and conditions of stay, for example:

If a foreigner enters Poland to perform work, they will confirm the purpose of entry by presenting a work permit, seasonal work permit or a statement on entrusting work to a foreigner and the contract in connection with which they perform work (if they have one) at the border control. If a foreigner belongs to the category of persons exempt from the obligation to have a work permit, they should present documents confirming that they are exempt from the need to have a work permit (e.g. a full-time study diploma in Poland).


The Border Guard has the right to require the foreigner to prove the possession of:

  1. An appropriate, valid travel medical insurance for the amount of at least EUR 30,000 purchased from a company that meets the relevant criteria. Eligible insurers are listed on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The insurance needs to cover any expenses that may arise during your stay on the territory in connection with the need for return travel for medical reasons, urgent medical care, emergency hospital treatment or death.

The obligation to take out insurance valid for the entire period of the planned stay in Poland refers also to foreigners who apply for a visa in order to perform work. Until now, such people could take out insurance valid until obtaining health insurance in connection with their employment.

  1. Sufficient financial resources to cover the costs of stay in Poland and a return travel to the country of origin.

The amount of funds to cover the costs of stay depends on the length of the planned stay and amounts to:

  • PLN 300, if the period of the planned stay does not exceed 4 days or
  • PLN 75 for each day of the planned stay, if the period of the planned stay exceeds 4 days.

The amount of funds to cover the costs of returning to the country of origin depends on the foreigner's country of origin - in terms of the equivalent of a return ticket. If a foreigner does not have a return ticket, when crossing the border, they should have:

  • PLN 200, if they came from a country neighbouring the Republic of Poland or
  • PLN 500, if they came from a European Union Member State other than those specified above or
  • PLN 2,500 if they came from a country that is not a member of the European Union.

Note! A foreigner does not always have to document having financial means to cover the costs of stay. They are exempt from this obligation, inter alia, if they cross the border on the basis of:

  • a visa issued for the purpose of work,
  • a visa issued due to the use of the rights related to the Pole's Card,
  • a residence card.

Note! A foreigner entering the territory of the Republic of Poland in order to undertake or continue studies, participate in scientific research or training, conduct development works and undertake or continue education, must have financial resources of at least PLN 1,270 for the first 2 months of the planned stay.


A foreigner may be refused entry to Poland, even if they have documents permitting their entry, including a valid visa.

A foreigner is refused entry to Poland, inter alia, if:

  • did not present documents sufficient to confirm the purpose of stay;
  • used the permissible period of stay in the territory of the Schengen states, amounting to 90 days in each 180-day period (unless international agreements provide otherwise);
  • has a counterfeit or forged travel document, visa or residence card;
  • cannot provide evidence of the required insurance;
  • does not have sufficient means of subsistence in relation to the duration and purpose of the intended stay or the means for a return travel.

The decision to refuse entry is issued by the commanding officer of the Border Guard post. The refusal of entry and the legal basis for issuing the decision are recorded in the foreigner's travel document.

Note! The decision on a refusal to enter is immediately enforceable. The decision of the commanding officer of the post may be appealed against to the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard.


During the border control, the Border Guard cannot discriminate against people on the grounds of sex, race or ethnic origin, religion or disability.

It is possible to file a complaint against an officer who behaved inappropriately.

In order for a complaint to be considered, it should contain: the first and last name of the complainant, exact address, a detailed description of the incident as well as the name and surname of the complained officer of the Border Guard. Complaints that do not contain the complainant's name and address are not considered.

Complaints about action of BG may be submitted:

  • in written form to:  Main Headquarters of the Border Guard al. Niepodległości 100, 02- 514 Warsaw,
  • electronically: complaints.bk.kg@strazgraniczna.pl
  • via ePUAP
  • orally for the record.

Complaints about actions of the Border Guard may also be submitted to the Ombudsman:

Solidarności 77. 00- 090 Warsaw or: http://www.rpo.gov.pl/wniosek/.

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