+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

Important information

Please note that the information provided on this website does not constitute a source of law. We assure you that we have made every effort to ensure that it complies with current legislation. However, please note that this website is for informational purposes only and the information provided on this website may not be used in disputes with governmental authorities. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact the authority conducting administrative proceedings in a particular case and familiarize yourself with the provisions of the legislation that may have a decisive influence on its resolution. You can also contact our infoline migrant.info: +48 22 490 20 44


An invitation may be a document certifying that you have sufficient means of subsistence during your stay in Poland and return to your country of origin or residence. A foreigner may present an invitation when applying for a visa and during border control.

Note! An invitation is not a document giving the right to enter Poland, in order to enter Poland, after receiving an invitation, the foreigner must apply for a visa (if required in their case).

Note! An invitation is not a document entitling you to work in Poland.

Registration of invitations of foreigners to Poland takes place at the request of the inviting person, by entering into the register of invitations. The inviting person asks the voivode competent for their place of residence to enter the invitation in the register of invitations.


The following may apply for entering an invitation in the register of invitations:

  • a Polish citizen residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland, a citizen of another EU / EEA / Switzerland Member State or a member of their family residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland and having the right to stay or the right of permanent residence on this territory, or
  • a foreigner residing legally and continuously for at least 5 years on the territory of the Republic of Poland immediately before issuing the invitation, or
  • a foreigner with a permanent residence permit or
  • a foreigner with a long-term EU resident's residence permit or
  • a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality established in the territory of the Republic of Poland.


The invitation should contain the following information:

  • details of the inviter: name, surname, date and place of birth, nationality, address, profession, type, series and number of the identity card; or: company or name, REGON number, seat;
  • details of the invited foreigner: names, surname, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, address, series and number of the passport, and possibly the degree of relationship with the inviter;
  • if the foreigner's family members are also invited - also their data: names, surname, date of birth and sex of the spouse and children;
  • the number of foreigners invited during the year preceding the submission of the application for entering the invitation to the register of invitations,
  • the inviting party's obligation to cover the costs of the stay and departure of the invited foreigner, including the costs of possible treatment and the costs of expulsion from Poland;
  • determination of the place of accommodation of the invited foreigner;
  • specification of the time for which the foreigner is invited;
  • determination of the purpose of the foreigner's stay;
  • name of the authority that entered the invitation to the register of invitations (as a rule, this is done by the foreign affairs department of the voivodeship office; documents are submitted either at the office itself or in its local units - a branch office);
  • date and number of entry of the invitation to the register of invitations;
  • signature of the inviter.

A person applying for entering an invitation to the register of invitations also submits:

  • a completed application form for entering the invitation to the register of invitations
  • a document confirming identity (i.e. An ID card or travel document or a residence card).
  • a document confirming the possibility of covering the costs related to the foreigner's stay (including the cost of accommodation, treatment, return to the country of origin or residence, transit and costs of expulsion from Poland);
  • a document confirming the legal title to the apartment, if it has been indicated as the place of accommodation of the foreigner in Poland, or a document confirming the possibility of providing the foreigner with accommodation in another place;
  • a proof of payment of stamp duty which is PLN 27.

The invitation becomes valid the moment it is entered into the register of invitations at the request of the inviting person and is valid for a period of 1 year.


The voivode has the right to refuse to enter the invitation into the register of invitations.

A person dissatisfied with the voivode's decision has the right to appeal to the Office for Foreigners. Appeals must be submitted within 14 days of being served the decision.

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