+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

Important information

Please note that the information provided on this website does not constitute a source of law. We assure you that we have made every effort to ensure that it complies with current legislation. However, please note that this website is for informational purposes only and the information provided on this website may not be used in disputes with governmental authorities. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact the authority conducting administrative proceedings in a particular case and familiarize yourself with the provisions of the legislation that may have a decisive influence on its resolution. You can also contact our infoline migrant.info: +48 22 490 20 44

Residence registration and permanent residence permit of an EU citizen

An EU citizen (an EU citizen should also be understood here as citizens of EEA countries and the Swiss Confederation) may stay in Poland for up to 3 months without the need for registering their stay. During the time, they must have a valid document confirming their identity and citizenship (e.g. a passport).

If the stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland lasts longer than 3 months, the EU citizen is obliged to register their stay.

The application for registration of stay is submitted in person to the voivode competent for the place of stay not later than on the day following the lapse of 3 months from the date of entry into the territory of Poland.

Note! The above periods (3 months) do not apply to the EU citizen who entered the territory of Poland to look for a job, in such a case this period is not longer than 6 months, unless after the period they prove that they actively continue looking for a job and employability.

An EU citizen has the right to stay for a period longer than 3 months if they meet one of the following conditions:

  • are an employee or a self-employed person on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  • have sufficient financial resources to support themselves and their family members on the territory of the Republic of Poland, so as not to constitute a burden for social assistance and have an adequate health insurance;
  • are studying or undergoing vocational training in Poland and have sufficient financial resources to support themselves and their family members on the territory of the Republic of Poland, so as not to be a burden for social assistance and have an adequate health insurance;
  • are married to a Polish citizen.

Note! The procedure is free of charge and the certificate is issued for an indefinite period.

After 5 years of uninterrupted stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, an EU citizen acquires the right of permanent residence.

A stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland is considered uninterrupted if the breaks in it did not exceed 6 months a year in total. The stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland is not interrupted by leaving the territory for a period longer than 6 months due to:

  • compulsory military service, or
  • important personal situation, in particular pregnancy, childbirth, illness, study, vocational training, being posted, requiring a stay outside the territory, provided that this period is not longer than 12 consecutive months.

Applications for registration of residence and the right of permanent residence are available here.

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