+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

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Residence permit based on other cirumstances - basic information


A residence permit in Poland due to other circumstances is granted or may be granted to a foreigner, inter alia, if:

  1. The foreigner is a minor child of a foreigner born in Poland, staying in Poland without care:
  2. The foreigner is a citizen of Turkey and is permitted to perform work on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the terms specified in Decision No. 1/80 of the Association Council of the Turkish Republic and EEC of September 19, 1980;
  3. The foreigner has a long-term EU resident's residence permit granted by another EU country and:
    a) intends to perform work or run a business in Poland or
    b) intends to undertake or continue studies or vocational training in Poland or
    c) proves that there are other circumstances justifying their residence in Poland;
  4. The foreigner is a family member of a foreigner with a long-term EU resident's residence permit which was granted by another EU country, with whom they stayed on the territory of another country and accompanies them or wants to reunite with them in Poland;
  5. Immediately before submitting the application for granting this permit, they stayed on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a temporary residence permit for the purpose of conducting scientific research, have completed scientific research or development work and are looking for work on the territory of the Republic of Poland or are planning to start business activity on the territory;
  6. The foreigner is intending to start or continue education or vocational training in Poland;
  7. The foreigner is a graduate of a Polish university and is looking for a job on the territory of the Republic of Poland or is planning to start business activity on the territory;
  8. The foreigner is a clergyman, member of an order or a person performing a religious function in a church or religious association the status of which is governed by an international agreement, the provisions of applicable Polish law, or which operates on the basis of an entry in the register of churches and other religious associations, if their stay in Poland is related to with the function or preparation for its performance;
  9. Their stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland is necessary due to the need to respect the right to family life within the meaning of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the foreigner is staying on the territory of Poland illegally;
  10. The departure of the foreigner from the territory of Poland would violate the rights of a child, as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, to a degree significantly threatening the child’s psychophysical development, and the foreigner resides illegally in Poland.

Note! The catalogue of circumstances due to which a foreigner may obtain this type of temporary residence permit is not closed. The foreigner must prove that there are other circumstances (not only those indicated above) justifying their stay in Poland. Each of the circumstances of the stay requires different documents. In order to obtain full information on the required set of documents justifying the granting of a temporary residence permit in given circumstances, please contact the voivodeship office.

As a rule, a foreigner applying for a permit on the basis of other circumstances will have to present:

  • documents justifying the necessity of the foreigner's stay;
  • documents confirming the possession of a stable and regular source of income sufficient to cover the maintenance costs of themselves and their dependent family members dependent on a foreigner in Poland or confirming financial means to cover the cost of living in Poland;
  • documents confirming health insurance or the insurer covering costs of treatment on the territory of Poland
  • possibly, documents confirming the degree of kinship with persons residing in Poland (e.g. marital status records: marriage certificate, birth certificate);
  • confirmation of the place of residence provided in Poland (not in every case).

Note! The above list cannot be considered complete. The set of documents necessary to obtain a temporary residence permit due to other circumstances may differ due to the given foreigner's situation and the office where the foreigner applies for the permanent residence permit.

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