+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

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Polish citizenship-basic information


Polish citizenship can be obtained:

  • by the power of law;
  • by being granted Polish citizenship;
  • by being recognized a Polish citizen;
  • by having Polish citizenship restored.


A Polish citizen may have both Polish citizenship and citizenship of another country.

If a person has dual citizenship - Polish and foreign - they have the same rights and obligations towards Poland as a person who has only Polish citizenship. This means that such a person may not, vis-à-vis the Polish authorities, rely on the possession of the citizenship of another country and the rights and obligations arising there from.

A person applying for recognition, granting or restoration of Polish citizenship does not have to renounce their previous citizenship.

Before we proceed to the procedure of applying for Polish citizenship, it is also worth finding out how the applicant's country of origin regulates the issue of dual citizenship. Some countries do not recognize dual citizenship and when a person acquires citizenship of another country, they may automatically lose their previous citizenship. That is why it is worth finding out about the regulation of dual citizenship in both countries - in Poland and in the foreigner's country of origin.


The only way to lose Polish citizenship is to renounce it. The state itself cannot take citizenship from an individual. A Polish citizen may lose Polish citizenship only upon their own request, after obtaining the President's consent to renounce Polish citizenship.

The application for consent to renounce Polish citizenship is submitted in person or by mail (with an officially certified signature) through the voivode or consul.

The loss of Polish citizenship takes place after 30 days from the date of issuing the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, unless the President specifies a shorter period in the decision.

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