+48 22 490 20 44 Help for foreigners living in Poland

Important information

Please note that the information provided on this website does not constitute a source of law. We assure you that we have made every effort to ensure that it complies with current legislation. However, please note that this website is for informational purposes only and the information provided on this website may not be used in disputes with governmental authorities. In case of doubt, we recommend that you contact the authority conducting administrative proceedings in a particular case and familiarize yourself with the provisions of the legislation that may have a decisive influence on its resolution. You can also contact our infoline migrant.info: +48 22 490 20 44

The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program

The Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program is aimed at migrants who would like to return to their country but are unable to arrange the return journey themselves.

What does assisted voluntary return cover?

The assistance provided to foreigners by IOM under the program includes:

  • organization and financing the return trip and reintegration assistance for the person concerned (more detailed information is available below);
  • counselling enabling an informed and voluntary decision to return;
  • assistance in obtaining a travel document and completing other necessary formalities related to the return, if necessary;
  • accommodation and meals for homeless or destitute people in the period immediately preceding departure from Poland.


The program can be benefited from by:

  • foreigners with irregular stay
  • persons who applied for refugee status and were given a negative decision or withdrew their application;
  • victims of human trafficking (what is human trafficking?).

IOM has the option of organizing the return of people with health problems, disabled people and pregnant women, provided that their fitness for travel is confirmed by a doctor, as well as single parents with small children and the elderly.


The reintegration assistance received by people returning to their countries is an important element of the program. The reintegration assistance offered by IOM has various forms, meeting the needs and expectations of its beneficiaries as fully as possible. It is to facilitate their management after their return and to meet their most urgent needs.

Reintegration assistance may be allocated, inter alia, to:

  • starting or running a business;
  • education, including vocational training;
  • medical care, including rehabilitation or the purchase of medical equipment;
  • subsidized employment.

The above list is not an exhaustive catalogue; the form and nature of reintegration assistance are tailored to the individual needs of the given person returning to their country.

*Persons who have received a decision on the obligation to return are not eligible for reintegration assistance and are citizens of countries benefiting from facilitated access to the Polish labour market - the possibility of taking up work on the basis of an employer's declaration of entrusting work to a foreigner (i.e. the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) or European countries that benefit from visa-free travel.


Osoby zainteresowane uzyskaniem pomocy w dobrowolnym powrocie mogą uzyskać szczegółowe informacje:

Informacje udzielane są przez pracowników IOM w języku polskim, ukraińskim, rosyjskim i angielskim. Osobom posługującym się innymi językami IOM zapewnia pomoc tłumacza.

Działanie finansowane jest ze środków Funduszu Azylu, Migracji i Integracji

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